Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Which: Fatty Kitty consorts with dogs.

I am surprised at myself. I am actually participating in a chatty dog blog called Chet the Dog.

Of course, this is the Librarian's fault as per usual. She would read those mysteries and laugh out loud and mutter to herself, i.e.: "Oh no! Don't do that!" or "Get'em Chet! Atta boy!" Harumph. About a dog. She never did that when she read those Cat mysteries...she did not appear to be entertained. After all, I must admit:

Cats do not run all over the desert;

Cats cannot leap at the perpetrators' throats (and threaten to tear them out, even. Egad.)

Cats can't smell as much - oops, I mean as well - as dogs.


But if I can be allowed to make a case for Cats:

A Cat could distract the perpetrator, by running between his/her legs, scratching, or a loud yowl at the right time:

A Cat could pee on something, rendering it unusable (or at least thoroughly disgusting). This would be helpful in disarming weaponry, for instance:

A Cat can eat grass and puke next to a pertinent clue....

Oh Holy (Furry) Balls. I cannot believe I am even discussing this.

The odd part is...I don't mind the dogs (except they talk too much). I might even grow fond of a dog who thinks he is Henry the VIII and thus wears a ruff.

When I think about being a Cat detective, I believe I would be more of the Sam Spade type: moody, given to terse statements, a real loner. Hmmmm. I shall direct the Librarian to find a Kitty Fedora and practice meowing out of the corner of my mouth.


Er, no. Mweowww. Better.

Mwwwwwwow. Mwwwwow. Well, this is exhausting. But there - it's time for my nap anyway.


Anonymous said...

Hi Fatty Kitty. Thanks for your comment on Chet the Dog about how Staff made my quilt block Beautiful. I didn't realize you have your own blog, from beyond the rainbow. BTW your mom's sister must be really something. Up and out after surgery, breathtaking quilt designer and executioner of quilts. And I admire your mom for getting her library science degree. That's not a piece of cake, or a mouse filled with catnip. That's work. Nice to meet you. Talk again soon. whiskered tickles from Bluecat.

Nancy said...
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Nancy said...

Fatty Kitty is posting again!
Hey FK,
I just read a book by Thomas Perry called Metzger's Dog. Well after a while you realize the dog belongs to Doctor Henry Metzger and Doctor Henry Metzger is a CAT!!!!
The dog is a 200 pound vicious junkyard attack dog. How he came to be Doctor Henry Metzger's dog is just part of the story. In the very first chapter, less than 3 pages long, Doctor Henry Metzger is dropped onto some robbers from a loft. He routs the would be robbers, but he is not happy about the dropping part. After he gets his dog there is no more of that happening.
Mr Perry's first book, The Butchers Boy, won an Edgar for best first novel. I will try to get that one too.

August 2, 2010 9:01 PM

PJ the Fatty Kitty said...

Parmly Billings Library has that book in "storage," which means it is down in the scary basement where ghosts are said to reside. So maybe I should go there and get that book for the Librarian to read.