Saturday, March 29, 2008

In Which: Fatty Kitty reviews a book

You can imagine my anticipation when the Librarian brought home Cat Yoga: Fitness and Flexibility for the Modern Feline by Rick Tillotson. In fact, look at that cover, and then look at

my friend abbiethekitty.

It should be obvious that my friend has a great talent. That the asana is known as beggingforfood does beg the question: why on earth does Abigail need any more food? But that is not a question for someone named Fatty Kitty to ask, is it?

I studied the pose:
It's just not in me to beg for food. I prefer to demand.

As for the other poses:

...grunt...I am suspicious...

...of a cat that can extend his rear leg straight back! In fact, the photos in the book were obviously photoshopped (one of those new verbs engendered by the computer world), but Abigail's photo is not. It is genuine. If someone wanted to make a real book of cat yoga, I could supply plenty of pictures that are eminently more suitable than these Cat contortionists.

I give this book a dewclaws down for faux photos where authentic photos would be ever so much more inspiring to those of us who love to stretch. Mreow!

Note: the reviews in this blog are the opinions of Fatty Kitty only, and not of the management.

1 comment:

abigail said...

Dear FattyKitty,
You are so right. Even Alice agrees with you. Cats do not need these fake felines trying to show us up.
Power to the Purrer!